
How Cannabis Wholesalers Can Use Data Analytics for Smarter Decision-Making

In the ever-evolving world of the cannabis industry, wholesalers face unique challenges that demand adaptability and strategic decision-making. As the market expands, so does the need for accurate information to make informed choices. This is where data analytics comes into play. By harnessing the power of data, cannabis wholesalers can make smarter, more data-driven decisions...

Why Inventory Management Is Crucial for Your Cannabis Business

Effectively managing inventory is a cornerstone of a successful business; the cannabis industry is no exception. A robust inventory management system can significantly improve compliance, streamline operations, and maximize profits in a constantly evolving world subject to strict regulations. In this article, we will delve into the importance of inventory management for your cannabis business...

The Key To Thriving In The Difficult Cannabis Market Is Having Access To Your Data

In recent years, the landscape of the U.S. cannabis market has undergone a remarkable evolution. From a once-taboo industry to a burgeoning economic force, the cannabis market has captured the attention of investors, entrepreneurs, and consumers. This transformation presents challenges and opportunities, making it essential for businesses to adopt strategic approaches such as implementing AI...

Growth Trajectory: the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cannabis

This article originally appeared here. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as getting a computer to think and act like a human. According to Grandview Research, the current AI market is valued at $93.53 billion and is projected to grow to $997 billion in 2028 (Research, 2021).  Likewise, the current valuation for the legal cannabis market is $13.5 billion and...

Can Cannabis Help Address America’s Lack Of Sleep Crisis?

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, “In America, 70% of adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least one night a month, and 11% report insufficient sleep every night. It is estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and socioeconomic classes.  Sleep Deprivation Individual And Economic Factors America...

Is The “Stoner Myth” Fact Or Fiction?

The “stoner myth” is a negative stereotype that associates cannabis use with laziness, lack of drive, or motivation. This myth has existed for many decades, and the stigma continues today, even as legal cannabis grows. A recent study by the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology defeats the notion that cannabis use causes apathy, yet the perception still exists...

Can Cannabis Help Veterans Struggling With PTSD?

Using cannabis to treat PTSD is gaining traction with the vet community. The DAV (Disabled American Veterans) charity reports that of the 1.8 million veterans who served during the “War on Terror,” between 11-20% suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which is a mental condition that affects people who experience or witness traumatic events. PTSD...

Are DEI Initiatives Failing In The Cannabis Industry?

The cannabis industry is going through some rough times. In conjunction with maintaining a healthy balance sheet through layoffs, cannabis companies deal with DEI initiatives. According to Business Insider, 50% of companies need more resources to make these initiatives work.  There’s fierce debate on whether these programs work. On the one hand, c-levels in the cannabis...

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